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BJP national chairman JP Nadda welcome PM Deuba at party headquarter

Prime Minister Sher Bahadur Deuba and the Nepali delegation team have visited the ruling Bharatiya Janta Party’s office at New Delhi, as soon as leaving the Indira Gandhi International Airport in India.

Jagat Prakash Nadda, the national chairman of the ruling BJP had organized a warm welcome to the Nepali deligation to the party office. After paying an official visit to the BJP’s central office,  India’s Minister for Externa Affairs S. Jaishanker made a courtesy call upon PM Deuba at Hotel ITC Maurya as per the schedule.



PM Deuba and the first lady Dr Arju Deuba will be spending the night at the same hotel.

Deuba leading a 48-member delegation had landed in New Delhi a few hours ago for the three days long official visits.

Tomorrow PM Deuba and his Indian counterpart Narendra Modi are set to hold bilateral talks. Both Prime Ministers will also virtually inaugurate the 35km Kurtha-Jayanagar border railway that has been long mothballed.

The visit is seen with great importance as the PM is hoped to restore Nepal-India ties which suffered slight coldness recently. China’s meddling in Nepal’s internal matters and the open inclination of former PM KP Sharma Oli towards China during his overt anti-Indian sentiment had turned the relationship between two countries a bit sourer.