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British Gurkha personnel accused of sex offense in duty

Nepali national currently employed as a Rifle man in British Gurkha Army has allegedly groped and tried to take sexual advancement of a cleaner inside the Tuker Lines base in Brunei, the Daily Mail reported.

Tarahang Rai, 26, accursedly hid inside a toilet for a cleaner then tried to drag her into a cubicle for sex after she twice rejected his offer of a kiss, a court martial hears. Rai, however, denies sexual assaulting the cleaner at the base after it was alleged, he begged the woman for a kiss several times while she was doing her job.

He allegedly made the unwanted advances on two occasions before she went to try to clean the toilets for a third time, thinking he had left when he was actually hiding in the cubicle.

She told the court Rfn Rai did not let go of her hands until she threatened to shout for help.

A Wiltshire military court was also told he asked for sex and tried to drag her into the cubicle as per the news report.

Rfn Rai denies sexually assaulting the cleaner and claims she came onto him and made up the allegation because she was insulted that he turned down her advances.

The cleaner said in the court that it was 'painful' when Rfn Rai grabbed her wrists and she was 'scared' of losing her job if she made a fuss.

The UK media citing the girl said the Rfn really wanted to ask silly things, some things like requesting to kiss. The girls has recorded comprehensive details of the offense where she continually refused his advancement but the accused continued to force grope her. “

“I said 'please leave me alone'... he said 'just a couple of minutes, just for a few minutes'. 'I tried to get out but he wouldn't let me go. 'I said 'just let me go, just let me go', he said 'no'. 'He asked for sex... I told him I wasn't really interested. I was very scared. I tried to calm down myself [and tried] not to panic. He was forcing me to kiss him, I told him let me go or I would shout. 'Once I told him I would shout he [let go of] my hands,” said the girl as per Daily Mail.

After breaking free from Rfn Rai's 'rough' grip and leaving the toilets, the woman reported the incident to her boss.

Rfn Rai, of the 2 Royal Gurkha Rifles, denies one charge of sexual assault and claims the cleaner made advances towards him while he was urinating and called him 'cute' in Facebook messages before he claims he blocked her.