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China yet again accuse US for ‘coercing’ MCC pact in Nepal

How can US ‘gift’ to Nepal be delivered by ultimatum, asks Chinese FM

the government has yet again accused the United States of employing 'coercive diplomacy" against Nepal on the MCC grant agreement that awaits parliamentary ratification for its implementation.


This time the statement came from Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hua Chunying said China opposes "coercive diplomacy" and will support the Nepalese people to choose their own development path as always, during a press conference on Wednesday. Hua made the remarks responding to the controversy that the US urged Nepal to endorse the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) by February 28 as reported by Global Times, a state-owned Chinese media.


A few days ago, Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Wang Wenbin, speaking at a press conference, had said similar statement saying China opposes "coercive diplomacy," referring to a news report that the US forced Nepal to endorse the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) by February 28.


In a statement released on February 9, the US Embassy in Nepal described the $500 million MCC grant as "a gift from the American people and a partnership between the two nations that will bring jobs and infrastructure to Nepal and improve the lives of Nepalis."


Commenting about this Hua said, “How could a "gift" be sent by an ultimatum? How could people accept such a "gift"? Is it a "gift or a Pandora's box? Is it afraid that just as the old Nepali saying goes, it looks delicious, but it's actually a meat tough to chew?”


Chinese government further said that it believes that international cooperation should uphold the principles of mutual respect and equality. It should fully respect the state sovereignty and the will of the people without interfering in each other's internal affairs. It should never attach any political conditions or selfish interests while damaging other countries' sovereignty and interests.

Further it said to continue the support to Nepalese people to choose their own development path and continue to provide support to and help Nepal's social and economic development within China's ability as friendly neighbor and development partner to Nepal.