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Chinese top leader reassures cooperation with CPN-Maoist

In an over an hour long virtual talks between Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Foreign Minister level leader Song Tao and CPN-Maoist Chairman Pushpa Kamal Dahal the influential Chinese leader has reiterated their willingness to cooperate with the CPN-Maoist and for the development of Nepal.

 In a video conversation held on January 29, the Chinese leader also congratulated Prachanda on his re-election as chairman of the Maoist center through its general convention.

Song, who is similar to the Chinese Communist Party's Foreign Ministry, said that Nepal and China are also partners for development along with being good neighbors and have common future goals. He also discussed the visit of Chinese President Xi Jinping to Nepal in 2019.

Song also iterated that they (Chinese Communist Party) wanted to continue cooperating with Nepal and move forward in development following the past agreements. Leader Sang also said that he wanted to take the major projects within the framework of Belt and Road Concept (BRI) with Nepal into practical implementation. He said it would benefit both the country and the people upon agreeing the BRI.

It is also reported that they discussed developing relationships between the two countries through the Trans Himalayan Multi-dimensional Connectivity to help people of both countries.

Likewise, Dahal thanked China for its continued support in various times including the valuable assistance to Nepal during the Corona epidemic. He also stressed the need to move forward by strengthening ties and cooperation between the Chinese Communist Party and the Maoist Center.

According to the Chinese Communist Party's Foreign Ministry, the two sides also discussed other multiple ways including enhancing the cultural and traditional relationship to advance relations between the two countries.

These meetings are made amidst the growing rift amongst the coalation force in the government about the much hyped Millenium Challenge Cooperation of the United States. The CPN-Moaist has been casting reservation about the MCC while ruling Nepali Congress is pressuing other parties in the coalation to ratify the MCC throuhg House of Representatives as soon as possible.