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CPN (Maoist Centre) meeting undecided on picking party office-bearers

A meeting of the CPN (Maoist Centre) held at the party central office at Perisdanda this morning was undecided on the selection of the party's office-bearers.     

Party spokesperson Krishna Bahadur Mahara said that the party will meet at 1 pm tomorrow and finalize this matter.     

"The meeting of the party standing committee was convened today and it held extensive discussion on the topic of office-bearers and the party's programs," Mahara said, adding that there remained no more topics to be discussed about the selection of party office-holders and the matter would be given final shape in the meeting tomorrow.     

According to him, intense discussions were held regarding the nomination of office-bearers in the meeting today.     

"It's not that the office-bearers could not be selected due to dispute. The meeting held an intense discussion on the selection of party office-bearers and programs. There are no more topics to be discussed and the meeting scheduled for 1 pm tomorrow will finalize this matter," he elaborated.     

The Maoist Centre which held its Eighth General Convention in December 2021 has not been able to elect the party's office-bearers except the Chairperson. However, a meeting of the party held some days back finalized a 41-member standing committee, 125-member politburo, and 375-member central committee.     

A meeting of the party scheduled on Thursday morning to give full shape to the organizational structure including the office-bearers was postponed for 4 pm the same day. The meeting did not take place at 4 pm as well and it was deferred to 6 pm.     

However, the meeting scheduled for 6 pm could not be held as the party's top leaders as well as the standing committee members remained busy in discussions and voting on the Citizenship Bill in the parliament, so the meeting was also postponed for today morning. (RSS)