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Germany appoints first Commissioner for 'Sexual and Gender Diversity'


Berlin [Germany], January 8 (ANI):

Germany appointed Sven Lehmann, a Green Party lawmaker as a Federal Government Commissioner for the Acceptance of Sexual and Gender Diversity, a first of its kind position in the country's history.

As per ANI news, the appointment was announced on Wednesday and Lehman will be in charge of a national LGBTQ+ action plan. This is the first time a commissioner for queer affairs has been appointed. "Everyone should be able to live freely, safely, and with equal rights," Lehmann said after accepting the role, reported DW News.

The lawmaker will also be the driving force behind the government's National Action Plan for Sexual and Gender Diversity.

Since 2017, he has served in the Bundestag as a member of the Green Party. From 2018 to 2021, Lehmann served as the Greens' parliamentary group's spokesperson for LGBT and social policy, alongside Ulle Schauws.

In addition, he will also coordinate policy projects impacting the LGBTQ+ community with government departments.

"We also need a broad strategy to combat hatred directed at groups -- which explicitly includes 'queerphobia'," Lehmann said.

The plan was previously laid out in Germany's month-old government, which is made up of the centre-left Social Democrats (SPD), the Greens, and the neoliberal Free Democrats (FDP), reported DW News.

"Germany should become a pioneer in the fight against discrimination," the agreement reads.