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Kharel appointed head of National Investigation Department

The government has appointed Additional Chief Investigation Director Yadulal Kharel as head of the National Investigation Department, the country's only major intelligence agency. He will serve on the post for nine months.

The cabinet meeting held on Wednesday decided to appoint Kharel as the chief investigation director of the department.

Ganesh Adhikari, who is currently leading the department will walk out in few days followed by compulsory retirement policy of age bar leading a path Kharel to hold the command. Kharel, however will also get only nine months to lead the organisation as he will retire after he complets his 58 th birthday as per the regulations.

The National Investigation Department is an intelligence agency under the federal government s provisioned in the Constitution of Nepal.

It is the responsibility of this organization to investigate, collect and provide all kinds of information required by the government for the protection and promotion of Nepal's independence, sovereignty, geographical integrity, independence, internal and national security and interests.

In addition to various areas of national security, the important task of the department is to collect information related to economic and financial crime, terrorism, organized crime and other crimes like disruption of harmony in the society, religion, culture, language and  inticement of communical disharmony.