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Locals of Bangladesh mistreated by Chinese workers in Chinese financed projects

Bangladesh is not only falling into the ‘debt trap’ of China but also the nation is hurt by the disrespect and mistreatment of its local people by the Chinese workers in the country, media reports said.

The presence of a large number of Chinese workers in Bangladesh has created tension with the local employees in Bangladesh.

A large number of Chinese nationals are working in Bangladesh as the country has invested heavily in infrastructure projects.

The Bangladeshi locals employed in Chinese-funded projects are not given appointment letters, made to work for 26 days in a month, with no limit to duty hours in a day (around 16-18 hours a day), in miserable working conditions and without safety norms, according to local media.

Similarly, salary transfer to the employee's account is often done late, and disbursed, without any signature taken. No local employee has any right to speak up.

Likewise, China is not accepting all labor law in Bangladesh while making a "Flypass" in Gazipur, Dhaka.

Recently one Md.Mosiur Rahman alias Sohag has been injured in his upper arm bones while working as a scaffolder for China Construction Fifth Engineering Division (CCFED). Instead of attending to his injuries, CCFED has asked Sohag to go on leave. 

Earlier this year a Bangladeshi laborer was assaulted by a Chinese project officer over a matter of not wearing the mask properly while he was working at the site. Chinese workers got furious at the worker and beat him up. After this, he was admitted to the Bakerganj Upazila Health Complex, according to Bangladesh Live News.

Likewise, the major concern is the ill-treatment of workers in the construction process of coal-fired power plants which is a part of the Chinese megaprojects in Bangladesh.

Clashes between Chinese officials and local workers have been reported. Last April, at least five people were killed and dozens injured when police opened fire on a crowd of workers protesting at a Chinese-backed power plant in Chittagong demanding unpaid wages and wage increases.

Chinese projects in Bangladesh also show poor financing, poor labor facilities, unreality, and corruption.

The presence of a large number of Chinese workers in Bangladesh has caused tension with the locals as they not only fear job insecurity but also insult Islamic sentiments and disrespect its religion.

Chinese officials working on various projects have reportedly eaten pork and turtle meat in public and in front of their Muslim colleagues and workers.

Sources revealed that Chinese officials even refused to give locals time for Iftar during the month of Ramadan. The salaries of those who have left their place of work for Iftar have been deducted.

Chinese state-owned and non-governmental organizations have invested billions of dollars in the South Asian country's infrastructure projects - mostly in the power, energy, and transportation sectors.