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Nepal’s transgender activist Bhumika Shrestha to be awarded with International Woman of Courage Award

Selected top 100 influential people of the apolitical world

Nepal’s transgender activist Bhumika Shrestha has been selected to be honored with the prestigious International Women of Courage Award, 2022 by the US Department of States for her unceasing dedication to improving the lives of the LGBTQI+ community.

Bhumika is a prominent voice of the transgender movement in Nepal. She is constantly fighting the battle for the transgenders. Shrestha has also advocated for gender minority rights and social justice.

Bhumika’s name is also included in the 100 Most Influential People of the Apolitical World. Bhumika Shrestha, a transgender activist, model and actress from the Blue Diamond Society of Nepal, was included in the Gender Equality Top 100 “The Most Influential People in Global Policy” 2019.

According to a statement from the US embassy in Kathmandu, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken will host the annual IWOC awards in an online ceremony where Shrestha will be conferred with the award.

The 2022 IWOC Awards ceremony will honor 12 extraordinary women from around the world who are working to create a brighter future for all. US First Lady Dr Jill Biden will deliver her address during the program on March 14.

Bhumika has become a prominent voice of the transgender movement in Nepal. Because of her own experiences as a transgender woman, she has been vocal on changing laws that prevent discrimination against the LGBT community. She played a major role in campaigning with the Blue Diamond Society, a Nepalese LGBT rights organization, to include the option of a third gender on Nepali passports. She was the first Nepalese citizen to travel to the country with legally recognized documents marked with “third gender”. There are many stories behind the change in Bhumika’s life.

This is the second consecutive year that a Nepali citizen has been given this award. Last year, Muskan Khatoon was given this award for her work against acid attacks. She is raising her voice for strict laws and action against the heinous crime.