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Chinese ambassador to Nepal condemns Pelosi visit to Taiwan

As US House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi visited Taiwan, vowing American commitment and Beijing condemned the highest-level US visit in 25 years as a threat to peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait, the Chinese ambassador to Nepal called the trip a serious violation of the one-China policy and the political foundation of China-US relations.

Issuing a statement on Wednesday, Hou Yanqi said that this visit seriously infringes on China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. It gravely undermines peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait. China firmly opposes and sternly condemns this, and has made serious démarche and strong protest to the United States.”

Pelosi arrived in Taiwan on Tuesday night, despite protests from Beijing. Her visit is the first visit by such a high-ranking US official to the island in the past 25 years.

Hou said in Kathmandu that since Speaker Pelosi is the incumbent leader of the US Congress, her visit to and activities in Taiwan, in whatever form and for whatever reason, is a major political provocation to upgrade US official's exchanges with Taiwan.

“China absolutely does not accept this, and the Chinese people absolutely reject this,” Hou added.

Hou Yanqi says the trip seriously infringes upon China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity as she hails Nepal’s commitment to one-China policy.

Similarly, Hou said, "China will take all necessary measures to resolutely defend the country’s sovereignty and territory. The US and separatist forces will be responsible for any consequences caused by this,".

Moreover, Stating that China and Nepal are good neighbors, trustworthy friends, and reliable partners linked by mountains and rivers, Hou said China highly appreciates Nepal’s longstanding commitment to the one-China principle and resolutely opposes “Taiwan Independence.”

“It is also the political foundation of China-Nepal relations,” she said.

“The two countries have always understood and supported each other on issues of core interests concerning respective sovereignty, security, and territorial integrity.”

“We believe that the government of Nepal and its people will continue to abide by the one-China principle and understand and support China’s legitimate and justified position and work together with China to defend each other’s sovereignty, security, and territorial integrity,” she added.

Similarly, the foreign ministry of China said."China strongly urges the United States to stop playing the 'Taiwan card and using Taiwan to contain China. It should stop meddling in Taiwan and interfering in China's internal affairs,".

The Taiwan issue is China’s domestic affair and no other country has the right to be a judge on it, the Chinese foreign ministry said on Tuesday after US House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi arrived in Taiwan.

China claims Taiwan as part of the mainland and vows to integrate what it calls the rebel province even by force.

Beijing has repeatedly warned the US side that such a move would not be left unanswered and that tough measures would be taken.

The White House on Monday warned China against overreacting to a trip by US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to Taiwan, saying she has every right to visit the self-ruled island despite Beijing viewing it as a highly provocative challenge.

Meanwhile, Washington says that Beijing may take steps that can lead to a crisis, such as conducting military drills or carrying out missile launches.

According to Pelosi, the US respects the ‘one-China’ policy. At the same time, the speaker stressed that "solidarity [of US] with Taiwan is more important than ever".

What is the one-China principle that the Chinese government is so concerned about?

The one-China policy is a US foreign policy that recognizes China's position that there is only one China on both sides of the Taiwan Strait.

It is a diplomatic acknowledgment that Taiwan is China.

It stipulates that the People's Republic is the sole legitimate government of China.


  No country can act as a judge on the Taiwan issue.

 No country should use Taiwan to contain China.

 No country should meddle in the Taiwan issue.

 No country should connive with Taiwan's separatist forces.

No country should distort the one-China principle.