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President can’t go beyond the constitutional limits : Vice President Pun

Vice President of Nepal Nanda Bahadur Pun has raised serious concern over the latest move of President Bidya Devi Bhandari.

By issuing a press statement on Wednesday, Vice President Pun said every individual, whatever role they have been assigned as per the Constitution, has to abide by the constitutional provisions.

“Those who are responsible for the observance and protection of the constitution are not allowed to go beyond the scope of the constitution,” he said in the statement.

President Bhandari had let the Citizenship amendment bill passed by the parliament twice go inactive by not validating it within fifteen days.

Following the president’s move, the Nepali society has been virtually divided between for and against the president. Those who support her say the president rejected the citizenship bill going beyond the to save the nation, but those people who oppose say the president should not have breached the constitution.