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Rastriya Prajatantra Party added 49 members to its Central Committee

Rastriya Prajatantra Party (RPP) Chairman Rajendra Lingden has added 49 members to the Central Committee on Thursday.

Former ministers Ram Chandra Raya and Jagat Gauchan have also been nominated as the central members. They had lost the election to the post of vice-chairman in the party’s general convention.

Deepak Bahadur Singh has also got the seat in the Central Committee. He had lost the election for the post of mayor in Hetauda Sub-Metropolitan City.

Likewise, Uddhav Paudel and Chandra Bahadur Gurung, who had left the party and joined Rastriya Prajatantra Party Nepal, have also made a comeback to the Central Committee.

Similarly, Shivaraj Municipality Mayor Ajay Thapa, Ramgram Municipality Deputy Mayor Samjhana Chaudhary, former secretary duo Kedar Bahadur Adhikari and Kedar Neupane have also been nominated as the central members.

Those included in the Central Committee are Rajaram Shrestha, Parchuram Tamang and Ram Sharan Pathak among others.