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Roundtable discussion between Korean economic institutions and Korean companies in Nepal

The Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Nepal held the 'Roundtable Discussion between Korean economic institutions and Korean companies in Nepal' on the occasion of a visit to Nepal by Korean economic institutions in India.

The roundtable discussion was attended by Economic affairs officials of the Embassy of the RoK in Nepal and India and the delegation from KOTRA New Delhi Office, KITA New Delhi Center, Korea Exim Bank India Office, and K-Startup Center New Delhi.

From the Korean company side, representatives from Korea South-East Power Company, Hi-Mo, Dohaw Engineering, and Soosung Engineering attended the discussions. 

During the discussion, Korean companies shared the difficulties they are facing in Nepal, and the economic institutions discussed ways to support and cooperate.

Similarly, ways to promote and expand Korea-Nepal economic cooperation and exchanges were discussed during the visit, and the Korean economic institutions asked Nepal to foster a more investment-friendly environment so that Korean companies would expand their investment in Nepal.