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Imports of Goods increased from Rasuwagadhi transit point

The volume of Chinese goods imported from the Rasuwagadhi transit point on the Nepal-China border here has increased nowadays.

These days as many as 21 such containers are transiting through this checkpoint on a daily basis, the Rasuwa Customs Office said.

Only 14 containers carrying various imported goods used to pass through this transit point in a day following the decline in the COVID-19 pandemic.

Hundreds of containers crossed the border daily to the Chinese towns Kerung and Pangsing to fetch the imported goods.

Nowadays, the Chinese side has started transporting the goods up to Rasuwagadhi.

Before this, movement of people and goods through the ‘Nepal-China friendship bridge’ here was suspended after the outbreak of COVID-19.

It is said the imported goods are brought up to the transit point by Chinese trailers from the production company itself and various transport companies including the Musa Transport are involved in this

The import through the Rasuwagadhi transit point recently resumed from September 15 after a long hiatus.