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DMLI most investigate the assets of the Chief Justice: Supreme Court Chairman Shakya

The Nepal Bar Association has continued its agitation demanding the resignation of Chief Justice Cholendra Shamsher Jabra. On Sunday, Bar also staged an agitation at the Supreme Court premises demanding the resignation of the Chief Justice.


Supreme Court Bar Association president Purnaman Shakya said the leaders were preparing to go to the Asset Laundering Investigation Department to investigate the assets of Chief Justice Jabra and his family. He said Barr would also assist in the investigation by the department.


‘The leaders are going to the Money Laundering Investigation Department, they are taking a demand letter from the department to investigate the assets of the Chief Justice and his family. We all feel that it is necessary for the department to investigate this as well. We welcome the steps they have taken. We are also ready to support them as needed. I think something will come this time, 'said Chairman Shakya.


Chairman of the Bar, Chandeshwor Shrestha, said that there should be no distortion and inconsistency in the judiciary as an independent and clean judiciary is the backbone of human rights. 

He further added that distortions, inconsistencies and irregularities, corruption and intermediaries have entered the judiciary and the independence of the judiciary has been seriously attacked due to increasing influence.


Chairman Shrestha drew the attention of all to take necessary steps to end irregularities, corruption and middlemen within the judiciary to maintain independence, cleanliness, impartiality, accountability and equal access to justice for all.